Did you know that you can advertise on one of our digital billboards from only 10c!
Yes that's right - only 10c!
Digital Advertising runs a national network of i) Small Retail (dairies); ii) Community (busy side streets) and iii) Premium.
Even Premium is only $1.00 per ad, but on some sites this might give you 4 @ 6m x 3m billboards all at once on a busy 4 way intersection, or on a busy 12m x 6m large screen on a main motorway!
Let me ask you a question: What is the cheapest TV, radio or newspaper slot you can buy? If you were to spend that amount on advertising, how often would the phone ring?
Our customers find that with the right message (KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid) their phone can be ringing within minutes of an advertisement going up.
Have a look at our Network and see what sites will work best for you.