Swiss Bliss love DBA (and we love them too!)

DBA Gluten Free Chocolates as a Thank You 16 6 20

Got the world’s best gluten free treats?

Swiss Bliss are in the business of hand crafted chocolates and fine baking. Located in Waitoki (Kaukapakapa in the luscious north west greenery of Auckland) they appear regularly at the Matakana Farmers Market as well as having an online store (for national delivery).


Do you do effective marketing?

We were lucky enough to be speaking with Edith as part of our launch of the massive double-sided 6m x 3m digital billboard at Hoyts, Wairau in Link Drive.


Sure Swiss Bliss saw the value in being on this billboard, but they also saw the value in combining this with their wider marketing on Facebook and Instagram.


Do you share the love?

We were so surprised to receive a beautiful gift box of gluten free hand crafted chocolate treats at our office completely out of the blue!


If you have such a fantastic product such as this you need to advertise it and share it wherever you can!

 Swiss Bliss chocolates

How can you be a WINNER?

Well done Edith on such an amazing product, great website, super tasty product, and for being smart enough to be engaged in multi-level marketing to make sure everyone gets to hear about it!