420 Great Customers on Hoyts Wairau double 6m billboard

Digital Signs Hoyts Wairau With Cat Hotel v3

Didn’t COVID-19 hit us hard?

I have traveled in countries where English was not the primary language so I’ve had to adapt to looking for yellow arches to find food :)


Imagine if everything that you knew as certain was no longer there? All the phone numbers changed (it was no longer 04 for Wellington or 03 for our brothers in the South Island?)


I think the Level 4 we all got a shock not being able to leave our houses. But they kept us there more than a few days so now we adjusted to living in our little bubbles.


The problem is now that we’ve been “let out” again there is a good number of us that actually do not know what to do? We are disorientated? The roads are not as busy, some of us have lost our jobs and others feel the strong need to spend some of our spare money in ‘retail therapy’.


420 great businesses saying they are alive!

At Digital Advertising we recognised the importance of advertising that you were one of the lucky ones to survive to encourage customers back, but we also know we were in very uncertain times where many did not know how much they should spend on necessary marketing and how much should be saved for a rainy day.


We decided not to get into that argument and to just give away all of our digital billboard space completely for free!


We were able to create really nice graphics and get 420 unique businesses up on our massive Hoyts, Wairau billboard completely for free for most of Level 3 and Level 2!


420 businesses proudly announcing to their community they were 1) Open, 2) Available; 3) Glad to be alive; 4) Welcoming of new business and 5) part of the new order.


The importance of marketing

It does not matter how good your business is if no-one knows about it! It is my very strong view that we need to ‘touch’ our prospective clients about 10 times before they are ready to make a spending decision.


You can touch a client in many ways – by signwriting your company car you have given them one ‘tap’ as you drive by as they’ve seen your name or a photo of what you do. You can touch them again with a Facebook post of something you’ve done. They might’ve seen your car, and they might also see the Facebook post – can you see how your name is building and they are getting to notice you?


DOOH (Digital Out of Home) marketing is really great in that it is colourful and vibrant. Someone does not need to be on a device and a ‘pop-up blocker’ (like the You Tube ones) don’t work. But no matter how fantastic it is, it is not the cure-all pill for everything (unfortunately). Advertising on one of our magic billboards has to be just one of the several things you do as part of a wider and effective marketing campaign.


Our 60 Second Marketing Plan (please ask for a copy)

You don’t have to spend much money to be effective, $30, $30 there, and $30 in another place might do it? The one thing you do have to focus on though is consistency and variety!


One of the worst things you can do is create an interesting piece then leave it there with nothing to follow up.


We have a “60 Second Marketing” plan as an editable PDF where you sit down for 60 seconds and brain storm what you might promote for each month (Feb – Valentines; April – Easter) and write it in. Then all you need to do is whip a quick creative when the time comes (or we’ll do that for you) and send it around all of your channels and voila (French: ‘there it is’) and you’re done!


Do me a favour. Do yourself a favour. Sit down for 60 seconds and create a plan, then ask us to execute it each month for you all year long. You’ll never get such positive results and feedback from such a simple step in all of your life!


Give us a call for a free copy now!


You could be a winner

Would you like to win a $1,000 PB Tech voucher to buy anything you want with it? Simply click on the link, take our short Virtual Tour, and you too can go into the draw! There is no limit to the number of times you can enter so if you would enjoy the Tour a second time – knock your socks off!