Digital Advertising |  Reaching Customers No Matter Where They Are! 

Do you want more sales?

Reach customers you would otherwise miss out on! (New Business)

Once a person leaves the internet (AdWords, Social Media, Facebook) no-one can talk to them as they are driving or walking around. We have a special digital solution that allows you to click your mouse and communicate with these prospective customers, no matter where they are!


What we Do

We have a rapidly growing Network of large LED digital signs popping up all around the country, both in the centre of major towns and cities, but also smaller ones out in the community where you can drill right down to reach your target market starting from only 10c/ad!

(NOT a Smiley Face imagetypo) 


Our Unique Approach 

DO NOT spend $10,000/week on a digital billboard - give us a ring and only pay $1.00! That's right we only charge $1.00/ad to be on our billboards, even though some of them are so large they are a double-sided 12m x 3m screen!

The other thing we do that is really special in the world of digital advertising, is that when there is more than one  digital sign at one of our locations (in fact most of our 4-way intersections have FOUR big screens to catch traffic coming from ALL directions), we give you advertising on ALL FOUR SCREENS still only for $1.00!


How Does this Compare to Online Advertising? 

Good question! We actually regard ourselves as "online, but out in the public" (another new concept as technology advances). In fact our pricing was inspired by the Google AdWords pricing model of only 1c/click - we thought why force people to all pay $10,000/week for their high resolution digital billboard when they might only want to pay $100? We have hologram advertising coming too so this is just the start in digital revolution of Out of Home marketing reach.


So What is Digital Then?

We think 'digital' is when you don't cut down a tree to print a static billboard canvas, make a plastic vinyl record, or print photographs onto a plastic emulsion, that all then goes into the landfill. In our market this means we go and put our full colour bright LED canvas up all around the places where we can display your picture as easily as the next, and not cause any waste along the way!

If you think about it, instead of the screen being on your PC at home (or work), or being the screen on your mobile phone, ours is a slightly larger one put out where people are walking and driving around, and we can show them your advertisement, without then even having to do anything!


Are They Intrusive? 

Another good question! No they're not actually - which is Why They Work so well. Research has found even people that opt-in to a loyalty program still feel 'spammed' when that service pushes promotions up to their mobile phone (know the feeling!). And we all know how annoyed we get from all that Junk Mail coming into our Mail Box each day!

Digital Billboards work in the 'Out of Home' marketing space because people feel free to look at them, and do not feel the offering is an intrusion. As soon as you have an open mind (curiosity) you have a receptive audience to your offering. That will explain why you can expect $5.97 of additional sales revenue for every $1.00 spent on our billboards BECAUSE THEY WORK.


Can you customise it to me?

We sure can! We have three Products that you can mix 'n match to cater perfectly for your spend and what you're trying to achieve:

Set & Forget - is a cheaper advertisement that you can put on any of the screens on our Network and run on a regular repeating basis all year. You can have 1/hour, 5/hour, basically anything you want. As long as it is on a repeating pattern you can have it at this cheap rate!

Campaign - this one costs a little more, but there are NO rules around it. In fact, this one is SO much about YOU we blush. YOU pick everything - from when (ie Peak Hour),  where (which sites), how often (did you know you can book out THE WHOLE HOUR of even our Premium Sites, and the ONLY thing passing traffic will see is YOU (we did say it was all about you!).

Bulk Buy - is exactly that, spend heaps and save a whopping 66%! But wait, there's more! With our Bulk Buy product we also offer you  a large number of extra value for free - including i) Exclusivity (you will be the ONLY advertiser in your category on this channel, blocking your competitors out of the market); ii) unlimited ad changes (log in direct to change any graphic, any time, or set a series of ads to rotate throughout your time slot); iii) FROR (First Right of Refusal), fancy keeping a massive 66% every year running all the time? Want to beat inflation or demand increase the price? This exclusivity essentially allows you to own the market and dominate that space. As a scarce resource no matter how badly your competitor might want it, they can never have it until you release it to them!


Do you do retail?

We certainly do! We are all about Digital Advertising and that means getting your message out as to how fantastic you are, everywhere that you want it. From a 32" screen at a cash register somewhere, to a 55" screen at the End of an Aisle, to a full video wall strip or whole wall in a store or Shopping Mall, we can do it.

If you want to promote your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) right out in front of where your prospective customers are, then CALL US now on how we can make your Marketing and Advertising Budget go even further.


What Else Do You Do?

Do you have a site with strong passing traffic flows? Talk to Us on how we can turn that unique space into cash now.

Are you a Media or Advertising Agency? Speak to us on how you can have DIRECT ACCESS to our Network (minimum spend applies) to put up the Content for your client direct - whatever they want, whenever they want it, and all within your total control. Now there's an opportunity to up-sell and add value to your client!


Advertise above your local dairy from 10c/ad.


Advertise in your local community from 50c/Ad.


Advertise RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF TOWN for only $1.00!


Contact Us now to see how we can help you.


Digital billboard advertising is by far the most cost-effective solution for your Marketing Budget spend when it comes to conversion and ROI (Return on Investment).


Humans are primarily visual learners which means we respond really well to what we see. Call Us for a copy of the international statistics that show more than half of people recall an advertisement they were shown over 2 weeks ago!


Digital Advertising is part of a wider group of Digital Marketing Solutions. If you would like your own high definition LED screens, all connected centrally to a Head Office solution please see our sister company